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"The" Internet/Webit´s here now, are you?

W3$ the XXI century currency - launched in July 31st, 2010

(new) Monetary Base
(new) Monetary System
(new) Monetary Order
(new) Currency Exchange System
(new) World Digital Reserve





“The” W3$ (new) Monetary Base - the reason why:


- The world has evolved to a whole new scenario ever seen, since the so called Bretton Woods World Meeting;

- The monetary base (each and all of them) in place worldwide today faces ongoing severe stress, and the worst of all no one knows until when;

- The internet universe is a reality of unique kind, a digital reality; it is impossible to live without it; unanimously worlwide it has been said the digital inclusion is a must with one way ticket;

- Thus based on the abovementioned, it is time and there is a strong ground base to bring about a whole new monetary and value exchange scenario;


Fair - Safe - Consistent  "new" Monetary System Supported by:


WDRB - World Digital Reserve Bank, a new bank
with a “new” Currency Exchange System

RAW SUMMARY the "new" Monetary Order


- The whole idea is:


1 - A robust fund will start up the process, secured by the World Digital Reserve Bank - WDRB;


2 - The WDRB starts rolling the exchange & distribution by lending “credits” of W3$ -- “the” new money -- to internet based business;

3 - The internet based business then distribute W3$ first borrowed/batch (for free or as a value added to customers and/or trade) which in turn will start to use it to purchase goods, food, services, etc, all online;

4 - The transactions with the new currency start to develop;

5 - Each transaction with the W3$ will pay a portion of the initial loan abovementioned;


6 - There will have a provision procedure and/or means for emergencial printing in case of a "catastrophic scenario" such as the WWW fade all of the sudden.


7 - Specific rules will need to be develop for the capital market related to the "phase I, II and III' of the W3$ 

“The” (new) Monetary Order

PHASE I (limited time)


Once in place and evolving the new money order, new monetary system and new currency regulated by the WDRB will look like the following:


  • Business give away units of W3$ to customers and purchasing of goods & services will start up to take place;

  • Each unit of w3$ is tagged (unlikely any other currency, each unit can be traced all the time);

  • Each unit of w3$ used by customers will pay off the initial loan from the original internet business which took the loan from WDRB;

  • "The" most revolutionary of the W3$ is that each purchase (from an individual or a business), or each unit of the W3$ used to buy things will revert a % of W3$ in credits for future transactions;

  • Business with no W3$ in hands will start to accept (buy) purchases with the new W3$ currency




- Where from the WDRB will take W3$ to lend, in first place?


From a W3$ Fund, based in Gold and/or Credit of Goods, Properties, Letters, etc

- Who would start up the whole process and manage the system afterwards and on?


A Board of the WDRB formed by the WWW consortium and Founders of the W3$ Fund, in the Phase I. For the Phase II and III there will need official members of each country.

- What would appeal businesses to join in and accept loan from the W3$ Fund?

Because the strength of the W3$ concept that is that it will be paired by the most valuable currency of the moment. It will belong to the Web (like WWW without frontiers), secured by the WDRB.

- How ordinary people will be able to use the W3$ out of the Web?


Like with any other currency, thus once an individual get access, earn or get paid by W3$ he/she will need to exchange with other local currency, unless he/she buys/pays things over the Internet - which probably will be the only way to purchase anything in the near future.


The W3$ is a result of assumptions, observations, a lot of reading and empyrical exercise on a permanent “heuristic” mode. The author reserve his rights to dream about a whole and true new & fair global society and perhaps finding scholars and experts or a selected group of a kind to take the modest milestone herein established onto a serious implementation or, at least, to make it steer up among the general public.


After all, an idea doesn? bloom out of nothing. Somewhere in the universe a process began and the mystery of life has made this idea planted by someone. Should we believe that we do not own ideas. Because they only have some value when they become reality, what happens when there is only a joint effort of people, and change them into something better...


This effort of others is for us a learning opportunity, and the best we do immediately is to thank for what we learn. So your contribution is welcome.

Thank you

Luis Peazê

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